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Hello guys okay I'm at my wits ends with these Cyno outbreaks can anyone help me out with this as i hate the way it makes my tank look so every few weeks i get these Cyno out breaks and have no clue as to why its happening below i listed my tank parameters and equipment tell me if I'm doing something wrong ( and yes i know my salinity is a little high working on that )

Tank parameters as of 7/20 12:53pm

No3 - 0.00ppm used two different test kits Red Sea and Salifret
Po4 - 0.10ppm ( Hanna meter)
Ca - above 500
Alk - 8.17 Constant ( gonna raise it to 9.0 gradually )
Mag - over 1500 unknown as to why (sea salt coral pro but will be switching to ESV in the next few weeks )
Temp - 76-77
Salinity - 1.030ppm ( in the process lowering )

I currently run an XS160 protien skimmer my bio load is very low currently only about 17 fish in a 220gal tank also i run GFO in a next reef reactor and a bio churn 120 bio-pellet reactor

any help will be greatly appreciated thanks is advance
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Hypothesis: the cyano bacteria are being fed.

Nutrients can be introduced with food, dead organisms including algae and bacteria die off, dosed materials and leaching from something in contact with the water. New and young tanks seem to suffer a lot from cyano outbreaks. Review all changes to the system leading up to the tank being plagued with cyano bacteria.

One thing to consider is the release of nutrients from bio-pellets. Are there ways the reactor can be run, e.g. excessive tumbling, that somehow rinse these nutrients into your system?

Be patient about adding more things to the aquarium and good luck!


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I been reading up alot about over reefers having the same problem mostly due to using red sea coral pro salt mix..as soon as the changed salt mixes to another brand the cyanobacteria went away..might want to look into that..I know of a few members on here that been having a never ending battle with it and they use red sea coral pro ..Google it if you want
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thanks guys for all the help my bio pellet reactor has been running since i put the tank up so i don't think thats the problem i believe that it might be like one member said the liquid coral food i have stopped that and it seems to have worked the cyno is going away also i believe that it might have been the carbon i use chemi pure and hadn't changed it yet so i changed it out and that also seems to be helping

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