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Bomb Technician (EOD)
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Dom, there " Additional Notes" Is also full of so much BS. They can not even get their Sg vs Salinity right. And thy are very misleading on Bromide and the use of ozone and the dissolution of ions. In short, it is a sea salt that is just diluted of many major component ion concentrations found in NSW, i.e, Calcium is 70 ppm to low, Magnesium 100 ppm low, Chloride 2,000 ppm low, Sulfate 600 ppm low, Potassium 70 ppm low, etc..

From them:
We do not recommend using Marine/Sea Salt for Reef Tanks. It would not be in the best interest of your reef livestock.

I agree 100 %


Experienced Reefer
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Breathing a little life back in this old thread - So a LFS recommended "Microbe-Lift All in One" to supplement my tank with trace elements such as Calcium & Strontium etc.. Are you guys saying that Microbe-Lift is no good?

If so, what do you use to supplement your tank - I only have a couple clowns and softies/LPS


Advanced Reefer
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They have two kind of salts: the FO one and the reef one. The discussion was about the Fish-only.

However... I tried two buckets of the reef one. The first bucket was fine. The second one, Calcium was just out of the roof (>=500 according to the Salifert test), to the point where I used it for my Artemia cultures.

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