biopellets and carbon dosing
I have been reading so much on this forum about bio pellets but now that I have implemented it I have some questions...
first my current situation and params:
after 3 weeks with bio pellets...
Cal = 470
Kh = 10.5
Mg = 1350
Po4 = .07
No3 = 20ppt
PH = 8.35
Temp = 80
salinity = 1.025
My pO4 has gone from over .4 on hanna checker to the above No3 from 120 ppt to 20ppt. I have cut back on food fish and increased water changes so unsure how much my pellets have actually done. purchased sps frags which have turned brown as I did not realize my No3 was so high. siphoned the sand which seemed to make the biggest dent.
I'm having difficulty seeing N03 reduced beyond 20 which is still high. since po4 is .07 ids this the reason no3 is not reducing. I read that you need to have po4 present to reduce no3 is this correct? if not why am I unable to reduce No3? is there anything else I can try to reduce No3?
#2 will my browned out sps color back up? once levels ha ve stabilized? all sps polyps are retracted. is there anything else that I can do in the mean time during the pellet waiting period?
#3 I read that pellets can strip your water of nutrients so feeding should be kept up but also read that you should cut back of feeding. which is true?
hopefully others can chime in and learn alongside. any advice would be appreciated. thanks
balance is key dude. bp=carbon dosin. too much means horrible cyano outbreak