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Ok so heres a a little rundown whit some numbers of my situation.I have a 450 gallon system total water volume .I run a calcium reactor .I was using red sea coral pro salt .I have also hooked up a kalk reactor .these are my numbers
alk- 8.0
Mag 1500
im trying to figure out how my cal got that high .my only idea would be the salt I was using .as far as I know a cal reactor can only add alk and cal in a balanced effluent. So that wouldnt raise it .the kalk I have stopped a few months ago so im eleminating that .the red sea coral pro salt is very high in cal from what ive read and from what ive tested ..
I am trying to get my cal down and balanced to my alk .I shut my cal reactor off about 2 weeks ago and I am now hand dosing alk daily after testing each day
I have changed my salt to red sea regular now which is testing about 440 cal on the new water change water .I am doing 30 gallons a week water change .my new test numbers are now
alk 8.3
cal 500
mag 1480
Has this ever happend to anyone if so how did u correct the imbalance ?
I feel like im on the right track to getting balanced again .any other suggestion for me ?


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I also had a similar problem with using rscp salt. Rscp salt has a higher calcium content for those who are not running a calcium reactor, or dosing. I switched to IO also use a calc reactor.It took a week or two but my parameters are good now. Just make sure your effluent out of reactor is 25dkh or higher.

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