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I was wondering how often I should test the water parameters in my reef tank? (55 gallon with LR, fish and Corals). All of my parameters are in check at the moment but for instance how often would you check the ALK and Calcium levels? PH? Does it take days for something to change drastically or can it swing all by itself in a 24 hour period to something bad? Thanks!


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Hi Bob, welcome to reefs.org

Have you tried the database? Our library is here http://www.reefs.org/library and within that link you can get to Advanced Aquarist online magazine.

pH, you'll find should you test this frequently, will have highs and lows within a 24 hour period, depending on many variables; lighting, photosynthetic life, presence (or lack thereof) of refugia methodologies, et al.

Also, you'll find a disagreement among hobbyists as to how often is necessary. Here's my own opinion: With a new system, testing is done daily, sometimes twice a day. Once it becomes established, I tend not to let any more than a week go by, I am also anal about quarantine, though, and lots of folks think I tend to be a bit "strict" on these things.

I think the most important thing is to keep yourself aware of the intangible parameters until you are very knowledgeable and "in touch" with your specimens. Observation is always key, and many (including myself) have systems with which they're quite comfortable not testing for months at a time. Huge disparity there, yeah?

I know this isn't much help, but it will start you off at least.

Oh yes, we should touch on the importance of quality tests; if you're testing daily with a p.o.s. kit, it won't matter, because you cannot rely on your results. If you've spent the moolah for a decent kit (SeaChem, Salifert, La Motte) then you're going to have much better success all the way around.

randy holmes-farley

Advanced Reefer
Arlington, MA
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How often to test depends on what is being added to the tank, how much experience you have overall and with that particular tank, and how much you like the comfort of knowing what the chemistry parameters are.

If you are using a balanced additive system for calicum and alkalinity, you need to test less frequently than if you are using independent additives.

If it is a new tank, I'd suggest testing at least once a week.

Over time, if things are under control, you might begin to test less and less frequently. If the values change a lot week to week, then keep that routine. If they never change, then stretch it out.

In my tank, for example, I don't routinely test anything expect pH that I read at a glance at a meter that is always on. I know with my system that if pH is in a certain range, that calcium and alkalinity will be OK too. I might go 6-12 months or more without testing. I don't recommend that until the tank has been up a long time and you have a good understanding of its needs and problems.

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