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I'm dosing saturated KW (Nilsen reactor) for all topoff in my 125g reef. Just made the MACO Calc Reactor and have run out of room to put it. Is there any advantage to running both or is it total duplication?

BTW, I'm confused about my pH and alkalinity parameters.
alkalinity = 3.28 meq/L (LaMotte)
pH = varies 8.01 - 8.15 (calibrated Octopus probe) (drip KW at night)
calcium = 450 ppm (LaMotte)

I thought the higher alkalinity would keep the pH from falling. Seems like between water changes - pH gradually declines (hit 7.95 - the other day).

FWIW - First coral frags in this tank were put in three weeks ago (10 frags from Tropicorium). Impressive growth so far. Relatively light fish load at this time.

I sure don't understand any of the chemical equations, but knew you folks would be able to help with these questions.


randy holmes-farley

Advanced Reefer
Arlington, MA
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Yes, there is a big advantage to it that many folks use.

CaCO3/CO2 reactors almost always drive the tank to low pH (often below 8). Using limewater often drives the tank above pH 8.4.

The combination can permit huge amounts of calcium and alkalinity to be delivered without the pH getting out of the optimal range.

I discuss this combination in this article that summarizes the pros and cons of all of the balanced methods of calcium and alkalinity addition:



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Thank you so much for the information. The article you linked is extremely helpful. In addition I find myself jumping back and forth among all the various documents you referenced within that article. Thank you for such thorough and helpful info.

Take care.

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