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I have read and put into practice Craig Bingman's suggestions in the very informative article on: Expanding the Limits of Limewater: Adding Organic Carbon Sources.
I basically add a conservative 10 mL per gallon (3.785 litres), but my ph still goes up pretty high (8.7 - 8.8) as the bioload is very low right now. I'm going to increase this to 15 mL and see what happens. According to his calculations, I should be able to safely add up to 45 mL per gallon (3.785 litres), but was a bit uncertain of one thing. What would the effect on a system be if you add too much vinegar? Would it be that your ph drops too low?
Thanks in advance for your advice.

randy holmes-farley

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Arlington, MA
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If the bioload is very low, I presume that the calcium and alkalinity demand is also very low. If so, I'd suggest backing way off on the amount (or concentration) of the limewater being added, rather than adding vinegar.


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Thanks for the reply Randy and also the welcome, Seamaiden.

Randy, the bioload is low right now and so is the calcium demand, but I plan on gradually adding various corals and thought that my calcium and alkalinity levels were too low (350 and 6.4 dKH). I figure I should find a way to elevate these and find out how to maintain it once the demand goes up before I add any more corals. Hence, adding limewater now.
Your's (or anyone's) opinion would be greatly appreciated.

randy holmes-farley

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Arlington, MA
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Yes, I agree that they are on the low side and the tank would benefit from raising them. I wouldn't go for vinegar yet, however, if the demand is low. Better aeration may be a better way to keep the pH from getting too high.

Good luck!


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Hi Randy, I am a li bit confused. If you aerate your tank that will keep the Ph from going too high. I was thinking of aerating my tank to counter drops in Ph at night. I already have a fuge lit 24/7. My bioload is good but not over whelming i base this on the fact my nitrates are always reading zero. Now i do run my tank temp around 83 to 84 the extra evaporation allows me to dose more kalk and maintian the Ph. My question is does aration raise or lower Ph in a tank? Could the high water temp on my tank be causing my Ph to drop so much at night even with my fuge lit?

randy holmes-farley

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Arlington, MA
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My question is does aration raise or lower Ph in a tank?


It raises the pH if the tank had excess CO2, such as most tanks using a CaCO3/CO2 reactor, which run low in pH.

It lowers the pH for tanks with a deficiency of CO2, such as most tanks using limewater, which run high in pH.

This all assumes that the air has a normal amount of CO2 in it. High indoor CO2 can also drive down the pH.

Here's an article that describes the relationship between CO2, alkalinity, and pH:

randy holmes-farley

Advanced Reefer
Arlington, MA
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Could the high water temp on my tank be causing my Ph to drop so much at night even with my fuge lit?

No, temperature doesn't have much to do with pH in a reef tank.

I was thinking of aerating my tank to counter drops in Ph at night.

That might be a good idea. What is the pH at night? The alkalinity is?


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My ph is around 7.7 right before my lights come on. when i drip kalk i can keep it around 7.9. And during the day it runs to 8.15 using a pinpoint monitor. My alk has always been super high using salifert testing and verified thru seachem test kits my alk runs around 16.0 meq. That has been crossed checked. even with alk that high my ph bounces like a super ball. If my bio load was too high i think it would show up as high nitrates. But my nitrates are zero. MY only addivites besides kalkwasser are iodide, strot, and a weekly addition of Kent coral vite. MY fuge is a hang on the back cpr 12 inch model roughly 2.2 gallons with brillo macro algea. The main tank is 20 gal. 20 lbs live rock 3 inch DSB. The only problems i have are the drops in Ph. Everything else seems fine.


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Thanks Randy, come to think of it i really didn't have this Ph problem until it started geting warmer and i keep the windows closed because i use the A/C to keep the place cool. Looks like i will have to control the ph swing with lime water and possibly adding more macros to my fuge. Thanks again for the insight.

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