I'm not sure what aspects you'd find interesting. There are lots of such references, from detailed biochemistry, to open ocean surveys such as this one:
Phytoplankton and iron limitation of photosynthetic efficiency in the Southern Ocean during late summer. Sosik, Heidi M.; Olson, Robert J. Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA. Deep-Sea Research, Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers (2002), 49(7), 1195-1216.
As part of 2 USJGOFS cruises, we studied spatial variability in phytoplankton properties across the strong environmental gradient assocd. with the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone during late austral summers of 1997 and 1998. Cell properties, including size and an index of pigment content as well as photosynthetic efficiency (as indicated by relative variable fluorescence), changed dramatically across this frontal region. A general trend toward reduced photosynthetic efficiency south of the Polar Front was correlated with low dissolved Fe concn. and is consistent with physiol. Fe limitation in the phytoplankton. We detected no significant differences in photosynthetic efficiency among different size classes of the dominant pico- to nanophytoplankton, despite a systematic community level shift toward larger sized cells south of the Polar Front. In contrast to other cells, those classified as cryptophyte algae showed relatively high photosynthetic efficiency in low iron waters; however, this group was never found in high abundance. One group, all cells £2 mm, showed an unexpected increase in intracellular pigment content (based on single cell chlorophyll fluorescence measurements) south of the Polar Front where dissolved Fe concn. and the cells' relative abundance were low. Overall, these results suggest that group- or size-specific differences in physiol. status were not directly regulating community structure in the pico- to nanophytoplankton during the late summer season; other processes, such as differential grazing or sinking losses, must be important.
Here's an example of a detailed biochemsitry type of paper:
The metal ion transporter IRT1 is necessary for iron homeostasis and efficient photosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Varotto, Claudio; Maiwald, Daniela; Pesaresi, Paolo; Jahns, Peter; Salamini, Francesco; Leister, Dario. Zentrum zur Identifikation von Genfunktionen durch Insertionsmutagenese bei Arabidopsis thaliana (ZIGIA), Max-Planck-Institut fur Zuchtungsforschung, Carl-von-Linne-Weg 10, Cologne, Germany. Plant Journal (2002), 31(5), 589-599.
The mutants Irt1-1 and Irt1-2 of Arabidopsis thaliana were identified among a collection of T-DNA-tagged lines on the basis of a decrease in the effective quantum yield of photosystem II. The mutations responsible interfere with expression of IRT1, a nuclear gene that encodes the metal ion transporter IRT1. In Irt1 mutants, photosensitivity and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, as well as abundance and compn. of the photosynthetic app., are significantly altered. Addnl. effects of the mutation under greenhouse conditions, including chlorosis and a drastic redn. in growth rate and fertility, are compatible with a deficiency in iron transport. Propagation of Irt1 plants on media supplemented with addnl. quantities of iron salts restores almost all aspects of wild-type behavior. The Irt2-1 mutant, which carries an En insertion in the highly homologous IRT2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, was identified by reverse genetics and shows no symptoms of iron deficiency. This, together with the finding that Irt1-1 can be complemented by 35S::IRT1 but not by 35S::IRT2, demonstrates that, although the products of the two genes are closely related, only AtIRT1 is required for iron homeostasis under physiol. conditions.