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I have a problem I think were my PH is creeping higher. The pinpoint monitor says 8.7 during the day. It has slowly been creeping higher to this point over the last 2 weeks. I use a calc reactor with co2 addition.

My calc levels seem high at 500ppm but I dont think I have a good measurement for this (red sea kit).

Temp is 79-80.

alk is 9.6 9.7 dkh.

I tried raising the CO2 bubble rate to bring down the ph but not working well.

Any ideas on how to lower my ph to a steady 8.5?

The calculator at this URL doesnt seem to work either, ie nothing happens when I click the button and I have the values entered.

I saw the advanced aquarist article here http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/may2002/chem.htm

and here http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... 2/chem.htm

but still not sure what to do?

Thanks for ideas.

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