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..MR Randy Farley,I did get your response at Reef-central.I just wanted to see if anyone here has heard of or tried the stuff 8)
......Hi all,
.....Looking for a cheaper way to keep my calcium up.I have 3 reef tanks and it is mighty expensive.I found the POOL TIME;Calcium Hardness Increaser at my local Home-depo.No analysis on the 7 pound bottle of granules.I did taste on though....burnt the hell out of my tounge,with the quickness.All that is on the bottle,about calcium is in the Hazard warning:Contains calcium chloride.No analysis on the web site.No contact email or number to call.From what I gleened from the web site is it is made in Australia.Just wondering if any one has tried to use it?


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Pool Time:Calcium Hardness increaser.
..77%-80% calcium chloride.
..4%-5% potasium chloride
..2%-3% sodium chloride.
..1% strontium.
...Looks like I am missing about 11% of something.(water or arsnic?)
.....Jacksonville,Florida...Poison control Center


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.........I found out the MSD on this Pool Time product.I am waiting on the email now,Hotmail is screwed up again,but I did get them to tell me orally.Calcium chloride,75-97%;potasium chloride,2-3%;Sodium chloride,1-2%;Stronium,0-1%;Water,0-7%:
...I do have a question about the water content......how could you have 0%?? Oh yeah.I just ran a few test and I got;Calcium,400ppm and a KH of 14.Should I start dripping the lime water now?or get the cal up to about 460???then use the pickling lime and backing soda?????

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