In a well-established 55-Gallon freshwater tank, my chemical levels are consistantly as follows:
NO3+ = 200+ mg/ml
NO2- = negligable
Hardness = 75GH ppm = soft
Alkalinity = 40 KH ppm = low
pH = 5.5 or lower
My water is always crystal clear and algal growth is maintained. I tried adding a few large plants to utilize the nitrate, but they perished quickly I think b/c of the low pH. I add pH neutralizer when I do 25% water changes and other times. I have a canister filter.
I have lost 3 fish in the last year, but the remaining fish seem to be doing well. (2 kissing gourami, 5 tiger barbs, 1 spanner barb, 2 bleeding heart tetras, a pleco).
What can I do to get my nitrate and pH to neutral -- or at least less toxic?
NO3+ = 200+ mg/ml
NO2- = negligable
Hardness = 75GH ppm = soft
Alkalinity = 40 KH ppm = low
pH = 5.5 or lower
My water is always crystal clear and algal growth is maintained. I tried adding a few large plants to utilize the nitrate, but they perished quickly I think b/c of the low pH. I add pH neutralizer when I do 25% water changes and other times. I have a canister filter.
I have lost 3 fish in the last year, but the remaining fish seem to be doing well. (2 kissing gourami, 5 tiger barbs, 1 spanner barb, 2 bleeding heart tetras, a pleco).
What can I do to get my nitrate and pH to neutral -- or at least less toxic?