hi guys. ok last night im going over my tank inspecting things to my surprise my xenia were just falling apart. the xenia i have came from a colony from petco(lol). i bought it and broght it home a week later it started melting on me. so i decide to just leave it and just see if it dies or comes back. most of it dies but ends up leaving two very small mats of itself behind. so i leave the mats there to my surprise everyday little heads started growing out. so fast foward to about a month after the baby xenia were growing quite nicely and i noticed it fragged itself as i found more xenia coming out of holes in my rocks. so the other day i look at the xenia and it litterally is doin what it did when i first bought the colony. its just shrivled up and then pieces just come off of it. now all this time they were growing it would pulse every second i heard this is a good sign. but now that its melting i decided to test my parameters.
29 gallon mixed reef
orbit pc pixture 130 watts
calcium:350-dropped from 420
alk- very low 2 dkh was 3.5 dkh when xenia was pulsing
im using b-ionic and performed a small water change last night to replenish any trace elements. watever xenia that wasnt affected stayed alive this mourning. dont really know now cause im not home.
i have a mixed reef and everything else seems to be doing fine. but i never say never.also any1 with tips to stabilize my water too any help will be greatly appreciated
29 gallon mixed reef
orbit pc pixture 130 watts
calcium:350-dropped from 420
alk- very low 2 dkh was 3.5 dkh when xenia was pulsing
im using b-ionic and performed a small water change last night to replenish any trace elements. watever xenia that wasnt affected stayed alive this mourning. dont really know now cause im not home.
i have a mixed reef and everything else seems to be doing fine. but i never say never.also any1 with tips to stabilize my water too any help will be greatly appreciated