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Can someone post a picture of what PE look like when they are exposed to too much light? Those white spots that appear on the oral disk of the PE. I have 3 RPE's and they have white spots growing on their oral disk flower part. I gave them a fresh water dip 1 day, another day I dipped them in iodine for 10 minutes(6 drops, 2 gallons) then the next day i gave them another 16 drop iodine dip for 15 minutes in about 2 gallons aquarium water. I thought it was some sort of bacteria like zoa pox, but now I am not sure. The zoas that I also purchased a week ago also have white spots except they appear more cottony then my PE. The white spots on my PE look a little different from the ones on my zoas, and they are located on the oral disk. After the dip my RPE are hardly opening and my zoas released some sort of round poop glob that clouded my water yesterday night. I got the RPE 2 weeks ago and I got the Zoas 1 week ago from the same pet shop.

My light is 150watt de mh 14k Phoenix and I have 1 layer of screening when I run my mh for 6-7 hours a day. I have since reduced my lighting to about 4 hours a day. The first few days I was not running any screening when I got my RPE. I introduced my RPE to my tank at the side of my tank and moved it to the middle under my mh and added 1 layer of insect sreen. THe following week I purchased whammin watermelons and put them on the side my of tank, where there is less direct light from the mh.
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I plan to do another water change with tropic marin salt today. Third day I am doing a water change. 1 5 gallon bucket..




Love da Reef-er
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Kool-cat i too had the zoo pox and like ronen said you gonna have to start over....what i did was leave my tank zooless for about 3 to 4 months and then start over...but even now any green zoos in my tank melt away...the other zoos i have are fine...sorry but natures wrath has reached your tank...


Love da Reef-er
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I was reading an article and it said that there is no explanation for zoo pox...it just happens....sorry...try to frag the green ones off the rock...green zoos are the first to go and the first to get most of the time...ur others might be spared...


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Woodside, Queens
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I had the same thing happen to me from some zoo I got from FT about a year ago. Cut off as much of the infection you can see and do the iodine dips. That worked for me. I remember the rock or the zoo's not smelling very nice. Cut your losses and get the bad stuff out.


BooSten Audi A4 -Aim
Staten Island
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i thought zoa pox is when there are spots on zoas when they are closed
(outers membrain) not on the inside of the open zoa... and i have read that zoa pox is a bacteria infection and is cause buy bad flow and can be healed with puttting the zoas in better flow. personally i dont see any zoa pox. am i right or wrong? im think im right?


BooSten Audi A4 -Aim
Staten Island
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i mean have they been closed for a while?

these are zoa pox! http://zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gallery2&g2_itemId=762

you do not have zoa poxs! either those zoas were closed for a little bit and im not talken about a normal amount of time such as night .. maybe a little bit longer or those are just the design of your zoas.. you may actually get more speckles on each zoa ( can also possibly be a morph)
honeslty i think they will dissapear in time and if not, cool morph. dont worry bro everything is 100 percent perfectly fine with your zoas..


Bronx, New York
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to me it looks like it may be the same thing. in the pics surfer boy provided you can see some of the zoas do have spots on the insides near the oral discs. that's also most of what you'll see unless you change the angle from which you're taking the pic...never had to deal with it personally. if it is a bacterial infection aren't there antibiotics in the hobby to treat those types of infections??

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