I have a quick q; My Duncan has ab 8 heads and I spot feed it, does the coral 'share' the food or do I have to feed each head for them to remain healthy?
Thanks in advance
I just started spot feeding bec it look cool when the coral has a chunk of mysis hanging out of its mouth - they were doing fine b4 spot feeding but I read the thread ab taking pics of coral eating and was impressed - normally at this point my wife would say I gotta get out more but I can't, I don't want to miss something in my tank!
I second this approach. IME, Duncanopsammia does need to be fed to thrive, but it will grow faster if it is. As said above, they will eat anything including flake food.
Mine like silverfish heads, I just stick my hand in the tank and stick the head on one of the mouths and they go to town. But I don't always feed all the mouths and they seem to be doing fine.