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Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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I could use some help in making a 55g tank into a sump.

I am thinking 3 sections: skimmer, return, fuge. I have been reading some older threads and think putting Return in middle may lessen flow through fuge, or at least that's how I understood it. I plan on glass baffles as well.

The skimmer is a Berlin, not sure exact model but it can be run internal or external and runs off of a mag7.
I am not certain what I plan on keeping yet, list changes often, but would like some flexibility for the future. Tia, joe
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Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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You can definitely do the return in the middle if you would like. I have tried it in the past on a DIY sump. On my current setup I bought an acrylic sump that has skimmer area, fuge area, and then return area and I like it much better. On my next DIY 40 breeder sump im going to replicate this.


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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does the fuge in middle get too much flow?

im not sure how to set the heights for the baffles and/or how far apart the need to be. is this a trial and error type thing. if minimal to no bubbles its good other wise try again?


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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i found a good deal on a 40gallon tank which will fit nicely under my tank stand: the tank has an overflow in the middle and is predrilled. i am guessing the line coming into the sump can be connected in this area: i am not sure how i would set this up, skimmer in the middle? fuge/return on each side of that thanks for you help

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