- Location
- Queens, NY
I purchased a sump off of a member here a while ago that came with the 57g i'm slowly building. I just now got around to start playing with the tank and would like to add a place for a refugium. Any ideas on how i should modify this? I have already cut a piece of glass for the baffle that seperates the drain and skimmer area from the fuge ( 9" tall), and as you can see in the below picture, their are 2 plastic baffles already there but mighty low (first baffle is 5"). As it stands right now, if i were to leave it as it, i would only have a 1.9g refugium, which i feel is way to small to do anything. Any ideas would be grand
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here is one idea im playing with but i'll need more glass
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here is one idea im playing with but i'll need more glass

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