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I have a rimless tank and i have the screen cover on top. But i also have the apex auto feeder that i cant use because i cant put it in place due to the screen been there
Some 1 suggested to cut a piece where i want the feeder to be and make like a "window". But when i did the whole frame bow.
So i had to re-do jt again and im back to square 1
Any1 have an idea of how to do it??
Or any1 done this before succesfully?
Pictures are appreciated too.


Advanced Reefer
staten island
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Maybe create a U-shape in the frame around the auto feeder.
Home Depot sells the kit that you can cut to any size maybe it would help with the frame bowing? Because the auto feeder would sit on the tank I read of sitting on the screen?
If this makes no sense I can try to get a pic drawn up.
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Well since my tank is rimless the screen sits on the glass.
Thats why the feeder cant be use cuz it will not hold
That u shape u talking about is the "window" i mention. But the screen corners go 1 way only.
Meaning i can go right right but when i do the U shape i need 2 left.
Smh. I dont know if im making my self clear

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