Please follow this link to my web page
my email address for questions or private comments to not be made on the board is [email protected]
please post your thought, comments, suggestions towards my webpage and my aquariums
new pics are located under
55 gallon/21months
30 gallon
10 gallon- i'm no longer selling or trading frags
My lizard
my 30 gallon stand is custom made and so is the lighting fixture and housing
this will help me greatly thank you for viewing my page
my email address for questions or private comments to not be made on the board is [email protected]
please post your thought, comments, suggestions towards my webpage and my aquariums

new pics are located under
55 gallon/21months
30 gallon
10 gallon- i'm no longer selling or trading frags

My lizard
my 30 gallon stand is custom made and so is the lighting fixture and housing
this will help me greatly thank you for viewing my page
