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I'm adding an internal acrylic overlfow to my reef tank. What silicone do I use? I've seen several discussions about the standard GE window/door silicone sealer versus "Aquariums Sealer". Some people say that some products have a mildew inhibitor and therefore should not be used in a reef aquarium. However, many of the hardware store silicone sealers say "not recommended for aquarium use".

1) So what product do I need to install this overflow and where can I get it?

2) Do I put a bead of sealer on both sides of the overflow walls where the 3 sided box meets the back and bottom of the tank (i.e. inside the box and outside)?

Since I'm tearing apart my exisitng tank to do this, I sure don't want to have to do it over again. (if you want to know why I'm tearing down the tank look here ->http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=23334&highlight=)

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This subject usually leads to an endless discussion & results in a caution vs cost debate. You can use GE I silicone w/o any adverse effects, it's 100% silicone. It uses acedic acid (vinegar) to cure so you should let it cure throughly before using the overflow.


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Thanks for the quick response. While in HD the other day, I bought a couple of tubes of GE Silicone II. Will that work? How long do you recommend I let it cure before I add the water?

Does the caulk only need to go on the outside of the "joint".

Thanks again,
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GE only makes one type of silicone that is used for aquarium use. Silicone is used in all the products that say 100% silicone, but it is the additives that will get you. These are trace elements such as the mildew inhibitor which is toxic to fish. The only way to know if it can be used for an aquarium is to see it on the package. It will be on there if it is the right type. You can buy silicone in caulk tubes through you LFS. Perfecto makes some for resale. GE II is not the right stuff!!!


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Hi Hal
I just went thur the same thing for weeks about Silicone. If you check HD website it states GE silcone I is ok for aquariums .I used it on my tank and the overflows .

OK to install the overflows .I just did this last week.
First clean the area with Razor and Vinigar. After you clean it wipe down with acteone just in area where silicone is going .
Then dry fit the overflow box and get painter masking tape. Then tape glass maybe 1/8 or more from edge of overflow box. Then tape the edge of the overflow but not the bottom corner. After everything was taped I put bead of GE Silicone I on the glass right along the edge of the tape. The placed overflow box into tank .then have water in cup and spread with your finger and wipe off with paper towel. If need you can add more silcone on the inside of the box. but dont tape inside of the box . After the out side is smooth then remove the tape .You will have nice straight lines and professional looking job.

Then let dry for at least 24 hrs.
Dont use GE Silicone II after my reseach I used GE Silcone I

Let me know If you have any question
Capt gene www.tampavii.com


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Well Capt Gene,

Wish I had seen your post before I "glued" mine in place. The tape trick would really have finished this with a very nice professional look. Mine is ok, but the joints aren't very smooth looking even with the "wet finger" strategy. Nonetheless, it does seem to be providing a very good water tight seal.

I'm now through 3 days of curing and another 2 days of testing everything with freshwater. Last night I started putting LR and NSW in the tank. Starting the "rockscaping" tonight and through the weekend. Hopefully I can start putting sand in Sunday.

Thanks for the reply. Take care,

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Well I am still waiting for my tank to clear up after added Southdown sand. I have few pieces of LR into the tank. Once I can see inside the tank I will place rocks. I am going to build sheves out of plexglass for rock to sit on and then added 1 inch pvc pipe begin it .this way i can turn it on and have water flow from under rocks and get all dirty out .
I can wait until this is all setup .Going on 3 weeks of planning and building Oak stand ,canopy ,sump ,plumbing.
Capt GB


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When I discussed this subject with GE.. I was told that although this product has been used to seal aquariums, it is not recommended for structural bonding.

As I mentioned in another board.. I had purchased a bunch of DAP-brand 100% silicone.. But had to return it all because DAP told me all their products have a fungicide.

But GE tells me that the GE Silicone 1 "window and door" 100% silicone sealant does not have a fungicide. I was told that if I wanted a fungicide, I'd need to go to the GE Silicone 2 product.

My take on it..
For structural bonding aquarium glass together, get the aquarium caulk.
For sealing aquariums, as in for a plywood GARF tank, use GE Silicone 1.
For caulking your bathroom, use DAP Silicone or GE Silicone 2.


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hhmm..i've never had a problem using any product that is colorless, transparent, and says it is 100% silicone. that's not just repairing worn out sealant, that's replacing entire panels.

however, i have never used silicone on acrylic, it just doesn't seem to bond as well (though i'm sure that if you use enough it ought to, eh?), and i don't like working with acrylic so haven't done much work with it.


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Does anyone know whether the GE Silicone I will work with acrylic? I'm making a small 5 gallon tank for bettas and I made the mistake of using the Silicone II. After 24 hours and more of curing, I tested the tank with water twice and both times the tank came apart at some joints after a few hours. HD had something called Marine Bond. Does that stuff work?


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Unfortunately, silicone doesn't bond well to acrylic..

For that, I believe you'll need a "Weld-On" glue.. But you'll have to talk to an acrylic guru for more detail.


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You did not say if you had a acrylic tank or glass. If it is acrylic you would not use silicone at all. If it is glass tank and you want to connect acrylic to it I have used a product called Goop. I built some acrylic drains for a pond filter (indoor) and connected it to a tiled wall (same as glass) and it has been going for 7 years now without problems. It has to be completely clean and oil free - this includes finger oil. Once you clean it with acetone, you cannot touch any surface that will be bonded. Tape or clamp the box for 24 hours and I believe you will be in business. If you are bonding acrylic to acrylic, the answer is a Weldon product or a plexiglass glue. Good luck


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kycoralhead, Frank,

Thanks for the glue info. I had made the tank out of .093" acrylic sheets, 36" long, 5" wide, with dividers that were drilled with holes and glued to the sides for extra support. Like I said, unfortunately, some of the joints kept coming apart with the silicone. I'm thinking about just going to buy some 36" glass tops (the ones for 36" long tanks such as a 40g) and making it out of those and using the plexiglass as dividers (unglued).


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I just used some GE Silicone I window & door to put some baffles in a sump. I used plexiglas dividers and a glass 15g aquarium. I dont know how well it works on acrylic, but for the limited pressure my 10" high baffles will see it should work. I also checked the website http://www.gesilicones.com and called the phone number on the tube (518-237-3330) they said it should be fine, not toxic.


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I used GE silicone I for my acylic over boxes on my 250 reef tank .its now going on 1 month with NO PROBLEMS

now I just wish I new much about corals for the tank .i guess i will KEEP READING

Capt gene www.tampavii.com


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just wanted to say i always have and always will use silicone II it is the fastest curing best silicone i have found... ive used it to redo a whole tank with with no adverse effects, filled in 24 hours too.... its great stuff... dont listen to the other fuckos, just make sure its completely cured


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Use GE 1200 silicone ... that is what tank builders use ... just look up GE in your local phone book and phone around till you find it ... built lots of tanks and it works great

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