What I found was that before I registered, I had difficulty accessing course descriptions, general info, and easy to follow instructions for getting the various web stuff taken care of. Every time I had a problem, someone addressed it quickly; the people involved were very helpful. But I found the website difficult to navigate; I remember trying to click on a variety of areas and not getting anything. Maybe an easy to find, (like right there on the front page) general description of all preliminary procedures to get set to go, plus a course description would attract more people to take the courses.
You've got a really good product here; lots and lots of people in this hobby would benefit from these courses. But, the website doesn't really offer prospective students a clear picture of the courses or the tasks involved in getting started. Since I'm planning on taking another course, I'm sure I'll have an easier time next time around. But, it's the first time students you have to make things super easy for. For example, a link to the chat software for both PC and Mac, plus detailed instructions on how to set it up would be really helpful. I found the ircle software site not very helpful in terms of set-up, so if you're motivated to help get us set up for chat, that would be beneficial.
Thanks again for a great class.