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I finally have all the elements I need for the sump, and I need some
help, especially regarding the input in the sump.

It's clear that if I just input the water into the algae scrubber all
the sand will start flying all over the place (more exactly to the
skimmer and return pumps, about the worst place it can go). So some
form of protection is needed. A small compartment will provide the needed
protection, but I don't know exactly how to do it: should the water
exit up on top? on the bottom? through a sponge? in the middle?

I tend to believe that the water should not come through the top, so I
can get rid of some bubbles that come from the return right away. I
heard that some people put LR rubble in that compartment to help with
the bubbles... how does that work (does it work?!).

Second thing is the baffles: it's correct the way I drew them?
more space (1"?) between the first two and less space between the
second and third right?


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>...I tend to believe that the water should not come through the top,...

I see no issue with what you have in the drawing.


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I agree.

The water level will be the same throughout though. I don't know if that matters to you or not? I am just pointing it out ;)



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The issue with the drawing is that the air that comes with the water from the tank overflow (through a durso standpipe) once in the compartment will rise to the top and get into the algae scrubber. To avoid that I could keep the bottom of the compartment open. In this case the water would be the same in the compartment as in the algae scrubber, and air will hopefully rise to the top of the compartment but not go into the algae scrubber...

but this will likely mess up the sand in the algae scrubber... catch 22.



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I see. You need to slow down the water so that it does not disturb the sand on the sump. You can do it without modifing the design by letting the water overflow out of the "special input compartment" by having it low enough (below the water line) so that when the air/water spill out, there is no water fall effect to push the bubble/air below the water in the algae compartment. A little of bubble on the top of the water won't hurt the algae... in fact, it won't hurt the algea even if the bubble is underwater.

How about a opening on the side of the "special compartment?"


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I think that best way is to have it open at the bottom and put it into an empty "basket" (also made from plastic, just like the compartment and the baffles). This way the air is unlikely to reach the bottom and the watter will not disturb the sand too much.

I'm a bit surprised that there is not a standard solution for this problem: everybody with a sump and refugium in sump should have this problem...



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>... everybody with a sump and refugium in sump should have this problem...

Well, I used to put an empty soda bottle and got the problem solved... but it does not have sand in there like you do.

For my current setup, the water level between the sump and main tank is less than 6 inches, and the main pump just recirculate the water within the display tank instead of wasting energy in pumping the water up and down.


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another thing to think about is how many bubbles you want in your tank. Depending on skimmer you you use, you can send a whole lot of bubbles into your tank from the exit pipe from the skimmer. In my old sump I had to put the main return pickup pointing down and about 10 inches from the skimmer.


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If you click on the photos link in my sig, you will see a shot of my sump. I have a different set-up to your picture which I would recommend that you consider adopting.

Essentially it is the reverse of yours. You could have the baffles on the right of your picture so that water is slowed down and then enters the algae scrubber (in my case a plenum). It then falls into the last section (on the right of my sump and the left of your picture) to be returned to the tank.

HTH, good luck :)

Here's the photo I'm talking about:

http://tsv.rebroken.org/photos/albums/aquarium/768/Aquarium/sump without plenum sand.JPG


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I guess that I can go that way too. For the next sump, this one is done for now :).


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