I would plan for a canopy or a hanging fixture. Don't rest the lamps directly on the tank.
If the tank is going to be a FOWLR you don't have to invest much in lights. Regular NO (normal output) fluorescents will work fine. You can get good electronic ballasts, wiring, endcaps, etc. for NO fluorescent setups at your local home improvement or hardware stores.
For bluer lamps and things like watertight endcaps you'll have to deal with hobby places, although there are a few regular daylight type lamps in that size 48" long / 40 watt made by GE, Philips, etc. that don't look too bad, especially combined with an actinic or two...
If you want something a little brighter, a Fulham Workhorse ballast and a couple of VHO lamps would be pretty cheap to DIY also...