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I've never built a stand for an Acrlyic tank before... might as well start with something big right? This is a 4ft*2ft*30inch tank.

I know that unlike glass, which needs only be supported on the 4 corners, these tanks need full bottom support, and I understand the debate on foam v no-foam under the tank.

My question is, HOW WELL do the bottom and sides need to be supported?

In a 4ft glass tank the walls of the tank supply all the support needed, and a simple 1*3 joist running the length of the stand is fine, even without a center support. Is that the case here? Does the bottom of the tank just need a little more support.... as in build a stand the same as I would for a glass tank, then add plywood?

I would REALLY rather not have a center support, so that I can have double doors opening to each other allowing more room to get a stuff in and out. I'm planning to use 2*6 joists, 2*4 uprights (connected with lap joints) a center support on the back wall, and 1/2 or 5/8 plywood on the top and bottom.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Fatal Morgana

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For a 4 feet wide tank, you may not need full support. two or three cross bars/joists can be used instead. I recommand foam, since it is very difficult to make the bottom perfectly flat.

You can built a removable center support so that you can get thing in and out, and once thing are set, you put the support back on. This is how I did mine for a 110 gal.

I use 1/2 inch hardwood plywood (4X8 sheet), with 2X4 uprights (6 legs) For joists. I use 2X6 going lengthwide. That's on a 48X18 tank.

I have a short 48X24 tank, and the stand is make out of 2X4 mostly. That one has four legs, and each legs is made of triple 2X4. Two brackets per leg, and there is a cross beam across the middle with slight offset. I can put a military tank on top of that stand. :D


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Thanks Morgan,

Any other thoughts, anyone?

Glass stand + plywood base, or overbuild the heck out of it and include a center brace?

Fatal Morgana

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if you already have a stand for it, I would just add a center brace and the plywood and styrofoam. You may even can get away with a center brace.

Just make sure you plan out the hole(s) on the bottom of the tank before hand. You don't want to drill an overflow hole and realize that it is right over the center brace... speaking from experience here :oops:


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You can easily get away with 4 corner legs (doubled up 2x4's, if you use 2x6 as beams and joists. Then 1/2 ply as a top.

You might just for peace of mind, add a leg in the middle back.

I have never used Foam, but then I have never had an arcylic tank either.


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Any of your care to post a diagram of your stand? I'm still thinking about making a stand for my 75 gal tank 4' by 18" and want to avoid a center brace if possible in the front.

Also, Morgan how did you make a removable center brace?

Fatal Morgana

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I use deck screws to hold the center post to the rest of the frame. If I ever need to remove the center post, I just need to unscrew the deck screws, and maybe support the structure with a jack and take it off. Do whatever I need to do, then put thing back on in reverse order. There is a center post on the back, but that one is not removable.


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Here is what I would use here.

4- doubled up 2x4 legs tenoned to fit Beam skirt
1/4 bracing across sides and back
2x6 Beam skirt
2x6 joists @ 16o.c.
1/2 grade A/C Ply

This should hold about any tank you throw at it

I have used it for many of loft design which get much more abuse and over loading than any tank. (ie 15 people sitting on one spanning 7ft. aprrox. 2000lbs.)


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I'm thinking that the sice diag braces are not needed if the stand is wrapped in ply, agree?

I don NOT already have a stand, and the overflow hole will be tricky. Being an odd tank (setup to be a 'penninsula' with 1 overflow in the middle of a black (no not back.... black acrlyic) side.


I was thinking of adding a center brace in back, but I dunno, what extra good does it do if not countered on the other side?

I've seen it done, but guess I'm not smart enought to get it.


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You're right if you afix the sides with ply it will be lateral bracing replacing the diagonal 1x4s.

Over flow...Just drill a hole for your over flow thru the ply. make it big enough to easily fit in. (ie 3/4" pipe, 1.5" hole) If you have to drill thru a joist, just add another joist right next to it.


when you say center brace do you mean an up right or joist?


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Upright, like a "5th leg" IE:

"You might just for peace of mind, add a leg in the middle back."

Additional joists make sence to me, would firm up the ply and stabalize the whole stand.

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