I am thinking of upgrading my return pump from a Mag9.5 to a Mag12 or 18. I would like to plumb them around the front into a U manifold, to push more water at the front of the rocks. The tank returns are drilled, one on each side. The back of the tank is very much hard plumbed, so each pump must have its own scwd, cause I'm not changing anything behind the tank, just the return in the tank which are currently thier own outputs using locline. In theory due to the scwd timing, there could be times then one pump could push against the other pumps scwd via the output of it, I'd imagine with any pressure the water will go out the easiest path, which would be the returns...but it would still put a little pressure on the scwd, maybe it would just slow them down?
If you were able to follow what I mean, lol
If you were able to follow what I mean, lol