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Alright, so I have been out of the forum loop for a while but I just got back up and going again because I am having soem problems.
On the First floor
-46 Bow Drilled with a Hamilton 175 MH hood.
in the Basement
I have the over flow and return pipes going through the floor to an Americal sump accompanied by an ETS 600 skimmer (got hooked up by a friend). Skimmer=mag10 and Return=mag12

1- The first problem I am having is with the drain pipe in that it does not drain fast enough. It is a 1inch drain and a 3/4 return, but if the power goes out with the return pumping hard, when the power returns the tank can't overflow. Basically the watter can not creat enough pressure to push the air through the drain pipe into the basement. It is not a stright shot, we made the pipes take someturns, but we keept a slight angle in the PVC like you would a sewer line for the house. I know there must be some of you out there with you sumps in different locations.
Any tricks that you can tell me?
2-My Spectura pure auto top off is only for like 80ghd and my RO is 100gpd. My tank was once in my room and the RO was in the basement. This ment that the pressure was drastically reduced after going up two stories. But now the RO is right next to my sump/top off unit and the pressure is to high. I tried jimmy rigging it with a on/off valve on the output of the RO. I though that by turning the valve half way it would reduce the pressure but it is not really working.

Sorry for the long post but I am living In NY for the winter and I hooked up my tank like this for my parnets in NH. I will try to get pics of the setup but any advice for you all would help.

Thank you, :)


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1, make sure the drain line does not touch the water line in the basement. This create a backpressure that prevent air within the pipe to flush out when the flow start again.

2, there are pressure regulator that you can use that will reduce the pressure to a preset level. I have a inline version with JACO fitting on both ends.

However, I don't see why you have problem with high pressure for the SpectraPure Auto top off... which type is it?


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I will cut the drain pipe, that is something that I did not even think of; now I realize how stupid it was.

As for the top off, I have the single tank top off unit. It has the sensor along with the float valve. Basically when the unit turns off, the float valve still drips. I can't get the actual Specture unit to fully stop, it is always dripping.
Where did you pick up that "Pressure Fitting"

Thanks for the help,


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You don't have to cut the return just drill a couple holes right above the water ine in the sump. This will help the fight against air blubbles in the tanks and salt creep!


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And a bonus; Less Salt Creep. Holry, would that create more surface splash = more creep? I still might try it as salt creep is not a big concern;
What I need to do is take some pictures and post them. Right now i have the water draining directly into the top of the sump only going about 1 inch below the water lever, would this cause the problem?


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The problem is that the return line leaves no place for the air to escape since it is the 1in. below the water level in the sump. This cause the back pressure problem that you have. If you cut it above the water line, as you suggest, this will relieve that problem but will allow the water "splash" into the sump water as it enters likely causing more creep.

I'm suggesting instead of cutting it above the water line, simply drilling a few holes above the water line. This allows less water to "splash" out and still allowing air in and out to relieve any pressures.

Also I have been using a Zip-lock bag with several holes over my drain line in the sump to stop tiny air bubbles. It was a suggestion from another user here, I just can't remember who. Any how it works quiet well.


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Ok, perfect.
As suggested I will cut the return pipe and see what happens.
Thanks for the advice all.

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