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What says a refugium has to be above the main tank?

I mean, it has to be above it some in order for it to gravity drain right? But it doesn't have to be very far above it now does it?

What if I take the 4 1/2" area behind one side of my tank, and build a small tank out of acrylic that is 4" by 24" high by 20" wide.

that would be a total of 1920 cubic inches right?

That would be 8 1/4 gallons.

Then I could just pump water into it with a powerhead or something, and have it overflow over a lip back into the tank.

The only problem with that is there needs to be light for macroalgae's and stuff right?



My fuge's have never been above the main tank. Beside them, yes. Above them isn't practical. I drain my fuge to my sump and the critters still manage to make it back to the main display.

Macro algea does need light, yes. But it can be less than your main tank. PC's would be more than adequate. My old 20G fuge used a 65W PC Smart Lite.



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the main reason a fuge 'should' be above the tank is so pods can migrate into the display without getting chopped into little bits. Most people however feel that pods make it through most impellers without trouble. I will be running my fuge below the tank.


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The idea of putting the refug at about the same level as the display is an excellent idea IMHO. In that way you avoid all the design problems encountered to prevent floods because the tank and refugium are at different levels. Plus the pump does not have to work as hard because it does not have to pump the water to a higher location.

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