This is the start of an DIY acrylic refugium with more details to follow as I go along. It may appear rough, it's not a display tank, so nothing fussy, nothing super fancy, just hold water, a Euroreef skimmer and perform it's job.
The dimensions for the fuge are 36"Lx15Hx17W. Approx 39 gal, and a 40 breeder does not fit under my stand where the fuge will be located, too wide, I tried.
I've laid out the sheet of acrylic to cut the sides, ends and the bottom. I've measured my first layout for a cut and clamped a straight edge as a guide as I will for the rest of the cuts. I've measured the distance from the edge of my saw to the blade of 4". The blade on the saw is a fine tooth blade, reversed to cut the acrylic.
I've rough assembled the refugium to see how well the cuts came out. I did roughly smooth out my edges with a file and de-burred the edges. So far all connecting acrylic sides, ends and bottom meets well. I will briefly hit the edges with heat (propane or heat gun) to further the smoothness of the edges then peel back some of plastic protective covering and seal the refugium with Weld on 16.
Main baffles consisting of 1/4" clear acrylic. The top edge of each baffle has 1/4" wide slots 3" long spaced approximately 1" apart OC. These slots create the top of the overflow between the chambers while creating a barrier screen to potential critters or other items to be contained with-in the refugium area. An additional strip of 1/4" acrylic 1/2" wide can be boded along the top edge of the baffle to reinforce the slotted tops if desired. I don't have a router so the table saw will have to do.
Corners are clamped with corners vise clamps and two web bands are secured. An acrylic adhesive, Weld On 3. For extra bonding strength I'll apply a bead of Weld On 16.
Moving along.
I've set the skimmer in place to get an idea as to how large the LR Rubble Tower should be. I found I could work with a 4"x4"X15.5" for the LR Rubble Tower.
I drilled 1/4 holes at random, 2" up from the bottom with no fuss where the water from the overflow will exit out from the bottom with absolutely no bubble.
Next was to secure the bottom acrylic and once it's sealed I'll double seal bead the fuge with Weld On 16. Works super strong bonding all attaching acrylic.
The Plenum Build
Building the plenum consisted of egg crate cut to size to fit in the middle of the refugium. Craft mesh which can be found at Walmart arts and crafts dept is also cut to the same size as the eggcrate. Black fiberglass screen from HD can also be used. Do not use the metal screen!! Silicone (GE Silicone II) mesh/screen to the eggcrate to hold in place. 1/2" PVC cut 3" length or longer if you want with holes drilled for extra water circulation. The PVC was zip tied to be held in place from moving around. I'll place 2 to 3 inches crushed coral on the plenum followed by 2 to 3 inches of live sand
Here's more information about building a plenum and its advantages.
Reef Plenum: Part 1
The Refugium is built and I'm waiting for all the adhesives to fully cure before I fill it with water and check for leaks. The last item to be glued are 2 braces from front to back and glued to the top of the baffle barriers. So I'll have to cross my fingers and knock on wood that it doesn't leak. It shouldn't. The Eroreef skimmer fits perfect. In fact I built the fuge to accommodate the skimmer and as long as I could, 3ft with room for storage in the stand and an attached fan to keep the water cool. A 3 ft T5 lighting will be used for the fuge and auto top off will be added to the refugium.
Next will be to mesh mod the needle wheel in the Sedra pump.
Rubble Tower
Skimmer with Gate Valve to be mod later
Test and check for leaks
Seems to be holding water.
Check the fit for the T5 lighting for frags in the refugium.
Good to go and soon installed under my 90 gallon.
The dimensions for the fuge are 36"Lx15Hx17W. Approx 39 gal, and a 40 breeder does not fit under my stand where the fuge will be located, too wide, I tried.
I've laid out the sheet of acrylic to cut the sides, ends and the bottom. I've measured my first layout for a cut and clamped a straight edge as a guide as I will for the rest of the cuts. I've measured the distance from the edge of my saw to the blade of 4". The blade on the saw is a fine tooth blade, reversed to cut the acrylic.
I've rough assembled the refugium to see how well the cuts came out. I did roughly smooth out my edges with a file and de-burred the edges. So far all connecting acrylic sides, ends and bottom meets well. I will briefly hit the edges with heat (propane or heat gun) to further the smoothness of the edges then peel back some of plastic protective covering and seal the refugium with Weld on 16.
Main baffles consisting of 1/4" clear acrylic. The top edge of each baffle has 1/4" wide slots 3" long spaced approximately 1" apart OC. These slots create the top of the overflow between the chambers while creating a barrier screen to potential critters or other items to be contained with-in the refugium area. An additional strip of 1/4" acrylic 1/2" wide can be boded along the top edge of the baffle to reinforce the slotted tops if desired. I don't have a router so the table saw will have to do.
Corners are clamped with corners vise clamps and two web bands are secured. An acrylic adhesive, Weld On 3. For extra bonding strength I'll apply a bead of Weld On 16.
Moving along.
I've set the skimmer in place to get an idea as to how large the LR Rubble Tower should be. I found I could work with a 4"x4"X15.5" for the LR Rubble Tower.
I drilled 1/4 holes at random, 2" up from the bottom with no fuss where the water from the overflow will exit out from the bottom with absolutely no bubble.
Next was to secure the bottom acrylic and once it's sealed I'll double seal bead the fuge with Weld On 16. Works super strong bonding all attaching acrylic.
The Plenum Build
Building the plenum consisted of egg crate cut to size to fit in the middle of the refugium. Craft mesh which can be found at Walmart arts and crafts dept is also cut to the same size as the eggcrate. Black fiberglass screen from HD can also be used. Do not use the metal screen!! Silicone (GE Silicone II) mesh/screen to the eggcrate to hold in place. 1/2" PVC cut 3" length or longer if you want with holes drilled for extra water circulation. The PVC was zip tied to be held in place from moving around. I'll place 2 to 3 inches crushed coral on the plenum followed by 2 to 3 inches of live sand
Here's more information about building a plenum and its advantages.
Reef Plenum: Part 1
The Refugium is built and I'm waiting for all the adhesives to fully cure before I fill it with water and check for leaks. The last item to be glued are 2 braces from front to back and glued to the top of the baffle barriers. So I'll have to cross my fingers and knock on wood that it doesn't leak. It shouldn't. The Eroreef skimmer fits perfect. In fact I built the fuge to accommodate the skimmer and as long as I could, 3ft with room for storage in the stand and an attached fan to keep the water cool. A 3 ft T5 lighting will be used for the fuge and auto top off will be added to the refugium.
Next will be to mesh mod the needle wheel in the Sedra pump.
Rubble Tower
Skimmer with Gate Valve to be mod later
Test and check for leaks
Seems to be holding water.
Check the fit for the T5 lighting for frags in the refugium.
Good to go and soon installed under my 90 gallon.