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Weehawken, NJ
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I need to make a sump for a 92 corner bowfront. (House's ex tank) The regular rectangular sumps dont quite work for me in there. I basically need to follow the shape of the stand to get the most space out of it. Also I need to house the skimmer, calcium reactor, ozone etc etc in there.

Where can I get acryilc in Manhattan. Does HD have it? Also due to the shape of the sump will there be more stress on the front joints of the sump? Lastly, how thick does the acrylic need to be? is .25" enough?

House, my wifes anger has subsided and she is letting me put the tank in the living room!!!!! :sgrin:


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You can buy acrylic at two places on Canal street - plastics world and canal plastic, unfortunately the best place, indutrial plastics, closed down earlier this year.I think there's a place in westchester that house goes to and there's always online sellers.
Are you going to try and make a bowfront sump? unless you can heat up the acrylic and make a precision bend for the front i think you will find you will get a lot of stress on the front edges. Maybe you could make do with a triangular sump? still a pain to machine the correct angles for the edges though.


Weehawken, NJ
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I am definitely not going to make a bowfront sump. Im Too dumb for that. I guess I will try for a triangular one. Do any of the stores on Canal street cut the plastics for you (proper angles that is)


Weehawken, NJ
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House of Laughter said:

Good to hear - They always come around once they see the beauty

I really suffered for her approval. Cleaned etc etc. I even washed the dogs. A couple of presents later........

Kris!! I will be back on the late night.............


Hoboken, NJ
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What's the total volume you are looking to have in the sump?
I would definitely use 1/4" acrylic. If you use weldon to glue your various baffles in, it should give you the rigidity you will need. If you're planning on building a sump that is triangle in shape here's my suggestions.

I would suggest putting a single baffle in the apex of the triangle for your input into the sump from the bowfront, with find cut into the top of the baffle at the point you want the overflow into the main chamber.

You'll need to sand your baffle edges and sump wall edges in order to create a solid seam for bonding with weldon 3 or 4.

I'm envisioning a three chamber sump. This simple drawing would be my suggestion. By using different varying heights in the baffles, you can control flow through to the return, as well as provide ample space for fill up if you have a power outage. In addition, a single cross brass across the top would help for any bowing from the force of the water.

Cast acrylic a.k.a. acrylite is the strongest, but if you're not going to see it, then the extruded acrylic will work fine IMO.

I just completed a custom sump/ATO water res. so all this acrylic stuff is still fresh. My fingers are still recovering.


Weehawken, NJ
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Thanks alot for the ideas. Dean also came up with a great pentagon shape. I am sitting here right now with pencil & paper trying to calculate where to cram what piece of equipment.

My largest obstacle and also asset for this tank is the skimmer. The pic below is a sump housing the skimmer and the sump is 26x16x16. The collection cup, a gallon plus monster, is not in the pic.

That and a double chamber calcium reactor have to fit.

I have to somehow cram everything into the stand and hood to keep the entire thing looking clean (wife regulations of tank keeping).

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