gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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here dbtc 10+ frag of zoa, it is my choice who it goes to. its time to pay it foward, and there needs to be more trading and less outrageous prices for coral. i am giving this away not expecting anything back at all and will not except anything at all.the rules are:
1) if my colony dies u will offer me a frag free of charge
2)u will only give away frags to dbtc
3) u will not sell this coral for any reason what so ever. if u do i will put u on blast and bash u on any for sale threads u make.
4) im giving 10+ polyps, when u offer a frag of this u will have to offer 10+ polyps to dbtc.
5)before u pick up u must offer a frag of some sort with a pic for the next person to come pick up.
pm me to pick up
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That is awesome that you would offer such. I would love a frag, and would love to pay it forward, but I cant get clifton...:(...Happy Reefing


AH!...found you biggie buddy...I dont want you to go out of your way...I just love finding links like yours that are willing to help so many others like myself!...keep it up and I hope to do the same for others in the future!
If I want this frag... I have to bring you a frag of mines??

Please help me understand?

No, you need to offer a frag of something else to someone else by posting it in a similar manner in the DBTC forum. You also need to follow the other rules Skimmerman posted at the beginning of the thread. When you post your offering, you get to make up your own terms as long they don't involve selling or trading.
yep. read the first post i put with my rules. not looking for trades, dont pm unless u are going to offer something to someone else free with ur rules and a pic here in this thread, IM NOT TRADING, IM GIVING IT AWAY WITH NO EXPECTATIONS OF ANY SORT, THIS IS FREE, WITH MY CONDITIONS AND RULES.its called dont break the chain, that means that the people that take the coral must offer a free piece to the community before picking up the coral, without expectation of receiving something back. i repeat DONT PM ME ABOUT TRADING OR PICKING UP UNLESS U HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER. IF U ARE NOT GOING TO OFFER SOMEONE ELSE A PIECE OF CORAL, DONT BOTHER POSTING OR PM ME!!
I'll Take It

Offering a mushroom Rock has about 10 shrooms, striped and spotted - Rules are the same as Skimmer

)u will only give away frags to dbtc
3) u will not sell this coral for any reason what so ever. if u do i will put u on blast and bash u on any for sale threads u make.
4) im giving 7-8 polys, when u offer a frag of this u will have to offer 7-8 polyps to dbtc.
5)before u pick up u must offer a frag of some sort with a pic for the next person to come pick up.


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