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Advanced Reefer
Beacon, NY
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I have an RKL setup with an SL1 and temp probe not the iTemp probe. My temp alarm keeps triggering every time the temp changes by +-.01 degrees.

My alarm is set to trigger when my tank is >83.5 and my current tank temp is 80.3.

Why is this alarm triggering?

I have reset the RKL to factory defaults and still have the problem. I checked the firmware is update on the system.

Here is the order I have my RKL setup:
RKL-PC4-PC4-SL1-ph & Temp probe


Advanced Reefer
Beacon, NY
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I'm double dipping here. I posted the question on Digital Aquatics forums. I just would like to know if the RKL is bad or is it me. I can post screen shots to night if that will help.

RKL-PC4(a) -PC4(b)-SL1-pH & temp probe

WaveMaker set to run both A&B for 10s max with random mode.
Alarm 1 set to flash and beep if the temp is over 83.5 and it is looking at SL1 Temp probe

c1 power head (7 watts) on "wavemaker mode", off at night wave maker A
c2 "Multi-Timer mode" on for 2m off for 58m repeat 24 time and it starts at 9am everyday. (dosing pump)
c3 "Multi-Timer mode" on for 1m 15s off for 58m 45s repeat 24 time and it starts at 9am everyday. (dosing pump)
c4 power head (7 watts) on "wavemaker mode", off at night wave maker B

c1 Heater in running in "Controller mode" set to trun on when the temp is below 79 degrees with a Hysteresis .5
c2 ATO in "Switch mode" (4watt pump)
c3 Sump light (13 watts) "Other Light mode" on at 8pm & off at 6am
c4 Skimmer (17 watts) in "Skimmer mode"

pH probe in pH port
Temp probe in the port that is marked temp
SWA has the float switch

Note: RKL, both PC4 and probes are < 2 weeks old.
Last edited:


Advanced Reefer
Beacon, NY
Rating - 100%
79   0   0
Alarm setup:

Heater Setup:

SL1 setup:


PC4(a) setup:

PC4(b) setup:




Winter. Time for Flakes..
Rating - 100%
240   0   0
I am curious as per why you want the alarm to go off when the temp hits X* would it not just be smarter to program as a switch for a fan to cool off the water surface.


Advanced Reefer
Beacon, NY
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Well I don't have a fans on my system and if the RKL is flashing when I walk by my tank Ill know something is up.

I would use the alarm to shout off a few thing. The only problem is the alarm setting dose not work and Digital Aquatics is unhelpful when it comes to this problem.

I am curious as per why you want the alarm to go off when the temp hits X* would it not just be smarter to program as a switch for a fan to cool off the water surface.

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