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I'm using 2x400 MH driven by two Icecap ballasts.
since some months I've noticed a relevant decline on light brightness despite I've recently changed (twice ) the lamps.
Could it be that ballasts are getting older and decreasing their efficiency?
has somebody an idea how long is the average lifetime of such ballast before reducing their efficiency?
thanks for enlighten me


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i dont think mh ballast loses their efficiency. it either powers up or not. i had mines for 3 yrs and it was used when i got it. try a diff brand of bulb.
the ballast powers up regularly the lamp. I have anyway the impression that the light is less brilliant and eventually the spectrum has changed.
so I start speculating that eventually the ballast has changed its output.
by the way this is the ballast and is 6 years old now



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Yes, after spend , many,many $ in LEDs i go back on MH, LEDs may work just fine for LPS or Mix. but for SPS only , may need 10-15 Ai light fix. over my 220 Gal. I got DIY light fix. LED, i like but i buy 220 Gal. 6 months ago, ( 72" long) so i have to mod. the fix. just to add some color, Now i run 2x 400W MH (i will add one more in few months) +4 T5 ATI (supplement) my plan is to go 3x400MH +LEDs for more color , b 4 and after MH light. I just got SUPER nice Violet LEDs ,i will post in DIY , when finsh.


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Yes, after spend , many,many $ in LEDs i go back on MH, LEDs may work just fine for LPS or Mix. but for SPS only , may need 10-15 Ai light fix. over my 220 Gal. I got DIY light fix. LED, i like but i buy 220 Gal. 6 months ago, ( 72" long) so i have to mod. the fix. just to add some color, Now i run 2x 400W MH (i will add one more in few months) +4 T5 ATI (supplement) my plan is to go 3x400MH +LEDs for more color , b 4 and after MH light. I just got SUPER nice Violet LEDs ,i will post in DIY , when finsh.
Wow, sounds really great. I look forward to see some pictures of your tank when ready.
my best regards.

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