So I just learned that there is a new jebao series out called the SOW series? Anyone have any information on them? I'm curious to try but the only documentation i Can find on them at the moment is written in a foreign language. Thanks!
Jebao SOW Wavemakers are available in 4 models (SOW-4, SOW-8, SOW-15, and SOW-20). Similar to the previous OW series, the biggest updates to the Jebao SOW Wavemakers is the continued improvements of the motor, which has been significantly improved to withstand damages and having it much more silent than previous models
I have the OW8 I've had it about a year and a couple of months. Before that there was the RW series which was a bit bigger than the OW and the major difference between both I think. But I haven't seen or used the SOW. First time hearing of it.