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Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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if you have program that allows you to run windows programs on mac - download the newest software from following link:


version 5.2

unpack it, install it, run it.

I am home all day. call me 973-699-1728

Gosh i could really use some help here, iam a mac user and purchased these lights 1 mater 160w cree and 2 slaves, i would really like to be able to use the bluetooth feature but being a mac user i cant figure it out. i downloaded a program called parallels desktop that lets you run windows programs on a mac, is there a way to install the software of the pacific lights onto this program?? it looks as tho i have to purchase a windows xp disk in order to install the pacificsun software. is there a way to bypass this???? i really wish pacific sun thought of us mac users and developed software for us mac users to use the booth tooth function with these lights. iam very frustrated. any help would be great


New Hampshire
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Well after Using a trial version of parelles desk top for the mac and trying to install windows xp onto it ( which did not work) I broke down and bought a used pc laptop in order to run my new lights via the Bluetooth software. I just hope in the near future PS will make software for us mac users or would be buyers of these exspensive lights to run on our macs via Bluetooth or maybe even a iPhone app. I love these lights and what they can do so finally this weekend I'll be able to play with them

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Jasper, GA
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I know I'm behind the curve, but I'm just now getting around to installing my lights...

How the #@..@#$# do you hang the lights using the wiring provided? Maybe I'm just too tired (or have imbibed too much) to figure it out...


New Hampshire
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Well with rafal's help and everything working i have my lights up and running here is the conopy i had built to house my 3 160w cree lights and one photo of a few corals while the lights are in the sunrise mode


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New Hampshire
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A few pics under the PS at 50% blue and white using 18k lighting i will slowly be adjusting the % by 2-3 % every other day until i get up to 100% blue/white to prevent coral bleaching.


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New Hampshire
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Ok i know lots of people got in on this buy, so come on people let us know how your doing with you PS lights, show some pics of them over your tanks and also the settings your using. lets get some feed back on these lights, i know i am loving mine to death and so are my corals, they actually look alot healthier under these lights then they did with my MH.


Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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I am looking for 2 users of BlackBerry, iPhone and Windows Mobile Phone to test phone application of PacSun software. - if you have PacSun lamps and want to take a part in beta testing of phone apps - please PM me.
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Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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ok - a few updates on the software. to those who contacted me - thank you. if I didnt respond to you - you are still on the list - I will email you the link or a file with the software.

Time table:

1) new X-screen software will be released shortly - first pics below. those who have Phobos/Deimos - finally will be able to enjoy all the cool tricks such PAR table and T5 control.

2) 4-5 days later, Windows Mobile 5 version of the software will be released so those who have phones running on Windows Mobile - you will be the first ones to enjoy it.

3) Blackberry and iPhone users - you will be next.






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Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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ok - PacSun 5.3 software for BlackPython and IO (Phobos and Deimos) will be available this weekend - email me at RNIEDZIALEK@LIVE.COM or look for it on aquariumled.eu website. you need to delete the previous software version or replace the files.

Phobos/Deimos - I got the new bootloader and software. once i get the instructions on how to do it - email me and I will send it to you.

also - Windows Mobile 5 software is coming in today. only item missing is PAR table that will be added later on. so anyone who has phone running on Windows Mobile OS - email me.

iPhone/Blackberry coming next.


Advanced Reefer
new jersey
Rating - 92.3%
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firmware - older units from Nov 2009 didnt have a bootloader installed and need manual upload to be able use new software.

you have units from May 2010 so all you need is the new software. I got the software late last night but if remember correctly one of the items was the function to read current data from the lamps rather than showing the default settings plus some updates to algorithms that they use. I have not run the software yet so dont know if there is anything new.

what's in the the new firmware and software?
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