I've been running an MRC 1 with a spray bar option for a couple of years now. For the first year everything was fine with the exception of some cheap regulators crapping out after 4 to 6 mos of use, switched over to the Aquarium plants electronic regulator and that has worked nicely. I use a Reefkeeper lite to monitor the ph of the effluent at 6.5 and control my CO2 tank.
Relatively speaking...the first year of use went smoothly, over the last year or so I continually have problems with the drip of my effluent stopping. I will dial in the drip rate anywhere from 1 drop every 1/2 second to just short of a constant stream...after a few days the drip stops.
Here are things that I changed to help alleviate the problem:
- In the beginning I used a small maxi-jet powerhead to feed water to my reactor. I found that if the reactor stopped dripping for a period the pump would back up and stop pumping water. I recently changed this to tap off of a supply line into my display and gravity feed into the reactor.
- I changed the John Guest speedfit with a new one
- I continually try to rinse out my Reborn or Aragonite media because when it stops dripping my CO2 keeps pumping and the media breaks down even faster.
- Recently I moved my effluent cup closer to the reactor so that it is a more vertical drop as opposed to a more diagonal drop.
- I tried slowing down my CO2 rate of bubbles.
- I tried adjusting the size of the CO2 bubbles (gotta love the regulator!)