In my opinion, what is taking place on this board and others will ultimately be the catalyst that will make aquacultured marine fish and corals happen. The ability to contact hundreds or thousands of like-minded people day to day rather than from letter to letter or at conferences will help make breakthroughs happen. With the increased numbers of people able to test and modify the ideas of others, they will evolve into successful techniques we can all use. The red bug cure found on this forum is a good example of this collaboration. If it truly turns out to be the long term cure, it's another step forward towards the longterm of a organism which may in time need our genetic stock to rebuild the wild reefs.
When I first entered the hobby, about 2 years ago for saltwater, I realized that many of the local fish stores were not keeping current with the care of marine fish and corals. Quite often their directions were in complete opposition to the common knowledge seen on websites and forums such as this one. Perhaps in conjunction with a "No fur" campaign, a simple widespread distribution of educational material to LFS owners that they can read and provide for their customers can help break this trend. I've had to explain to at least 20 people I know from work that Nemo is a world apart from a feeder goldfish, because they had only gone to look at them at the fish store.
And, I was very excited to have found this forum and so many whose names have appeared in my research quests. =)