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Hi Emily:
I am very familar w/ this and it has been reported before in my forum (the breeders forum over at reefcentral) and I will even attach a thread w/ some great pictures.
Pay particular attention to the photo from "Mustang"

http://reefcentral.com/vbulletin/showth ... nd+anemone

Here is a response from one of my eariler comments

Banggai seek protection and apparently they can use either the black long spined sea urchin or long tentecled inverts. Scott michaels recently presented (on his coralrealms website) that a new colony of banggai were found (they were offspring of released fish which had established in a local lagoon), and they were living in and amoungst the long tentecles of local anemones.
This phenomenon has been reported thruout the boards for a couple of yrs, and i believe in a somewhat recent Aquarium Fish mag Scott michaels also reported his finding along w/ photos. He only speculated that the banggai cards had protection from the anemone, but I say its a slam dunk based on the picture from Mustang. The banggai/anemones combos i've seen in person do this have always hovered in and around the tentecles, and do touch them. There are a number of observations that other fish beside cardinals can also build immune tolerance to anemone stings.

Check out mustangs photos


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