thanx for asking-after typing this i'll prob'ly have to crack my knuckles all over again... :lol: the tank was an acrilyc 18"x18"x60",3x175wtt coralife 10khalides,one phillips 40wtt actinic.filtration:just a redsea berlin skimmer.(this was in '98-'99). fish residents:pair tomatoe clowns;yellow tang;3 beau gregory's(more on that later):pacific eel goby(can't remember the latin name-deep purple with cream colored irregular bars,pattern is different as juvenile.dorsal and anal fins run along the whole body,way cool).inverts
partial list)elegans coral,lge 'colt' coral,lge. neon green nephthea,branching torch, hammer,4-5 assorted sm,leathers (devil's hand,etc.),star, yellow,button,clove polyps,'shrooms-asst'd, pagoda, and some more i can't remember and are hidden from view in the video.the tank surface skimmed into a rubbermaid 30 gal capacity sump(more on that later, too).the 'reef' structure was built touching the back wall of the tank about 3-4" from the top and angled towards about 6-8" from the back wall at the bottom,creating a 'cave' environment along the entire length of the tank.(more on that, too).
feeding consisted of flake-standard community marine fare from diff. companies,spirulina(lots,both flake and dried sheets,with supplements of chopped clam,shrimp, and tank produced plankton.(nightly blooms-used to watch all sorts of crazy stuff show up at night)
parameters-temp 80-82 F.,Ca about 320,dKh about 8,S.G.-.023-.025
nitrates,phosphates not measurable(
red sea kits- ran phos.remover occasionally- no carbon ever)water change every week 10-15% with red sea mix- pH stable at 8.2-8.3 measured with elec.meter.photoperiod was LONG-12+ hrs.usually from 10a.m. to midnight(related to spawning?) R.O.D.I water
in april,'98, two of the gregory's completely changed color,(from their bluish on top,orangish sides and belly)to solid dark purple(maybe navy-i'm slightly color blind for dark shades of blue)-while the third retained the (juvenile)original color.the female(allways plump, but not fat):about 1&/1/4"TL;the male; about 1 &/3/4"TL.both of the pair were very active in the tank, and continuously harassed the 'juvenile' non stop.they would disappear for hours at a time, and show up when feeding or beating up on the 'odd greg. out'.never bothered the other fish, though.
about 2 wks. later i caught the 'flashing' courtship of the male(WAAY COOL).the lower 3rd of his flanks turned a darkish lime green(best description i can come up with)and did the following:he would start a 'loop' swimming pattern-a sudden jerk from near the top of the tank, going down and up in a complete and tight-(only 6" diameter, maybe) circle,staying within 1-2" of the front rock face-creating a flash as the green lower part of his body inverted with his back(imagine tying a string to a pin,the other end to the greg's belly,while the fish trys to swim straight.after a while he'd reverse the direction.less than a second per loop-sometimes more than ten loops in a series, allways in view of the female, and then they'd disappear again.
(i'll send this now for starters- there's some stuff i want to check on the video...