The reason you get such high survival to day 3 is probably that they have a food reserve (yolk) that will last for 3 days.
I would think nauplii of the copepod, Gladioferens impairipes would be the ideal food for these guys. I've spoken to several people in Australia who have had great successes with very small larvae using this copepod and apparently, it can be cultured in high densities.
While working at a fish hatchery in Puerto Rico, I once raised a small batch of Chrysiptera cyanea - probably by accident. All we had to offer them was rotifers, but one batch, out of the 20 or so we tried, made it all the way to metamorphosis (I can't remember how long it took, but I will see if I can find a record). The rotifer cultures often became contaminated with ciliates and I assume that the one successful batch was reared because there was an appropriate ciliate in the cultures at the time.
You can induce cilate blooms very easily by setting some salt water out in a tank and placing some vegetation (lettuce, grass, etc.) in it and allowing it to decompose for a few days.
Good luck, and please keep us posted on your progress.