Full registration details and more information are available on the website!
This class will introduce you into the world of marine fish husbandry, from basic biology and taxonomy, to principles and procedures used to insure that these animals live out long and healthy lives under your care. You’ll learn how to select the proper equipment, and be guided on how to set up your system in a way that suits the fish that you’ve chosen and the environment that you would like to emulate. Most importantly, you’ll learn to avoid all the mistakes that are so easily made when learning to keep these amazing animals.
The class will cover the tendencies and idiosyncrasies of various families of marine fish, how they interact with each other, and how to keep them together without experiencing the problems that plague so many aquarists.
You’ll learn how to manage and avoid diseases that commonly infect and often kill so many captive marine fish.
You’ll learn what you must do, and as importantly, what you must not do in order to excel as a marine fish keeper.
From a previous student of the course: "Thanks for the great class. I feel much more confident now than I did 6 weeks ago in my ability to develop a reef aquarium."
Who are we? What are out goals as fish keepers? What obstacles do we face?
Responsibilities of the Marine Aquarist
The life in our hands Give something back
Basic Taxonomy
What is a fish? What is a Genus? What is a species? Why does it matter?
Basic Biology
Basic Anatomy Do fish sleep? Hermaphroditism
Where do our fish come from? Does it matter? What is a microhabitat? What is a biotope?
Tank Selection & Setup
How big? Glass or Acrylic? Plywood? To skim or not to skim? What kind of filter? Do I need live rock? Lighting
Quarantine Procedure
What is quarantine? Why do I have to quarantine? Does quarantine stress the fish more than just placing it in my tank? Is it worth the extra expense?
Stocking order & Compatibility
What do I introduce into my tank first, and why? Can I keep fish of the same species together? Can I keep fish x with fish y? Aggression Management/Aggressive tanks
Disease management
Prevention and treatment of common fish diseases Nutrition
Family Specific Discussions
Angelfish Triggerfish Groupers Wrasses, etc
Species Specific Discussions
Open discussion on suitable species and compatibility What are the most desirable species for a reef?
Fishes to avoid
Fishes that shouldn’t be purchased, and maybe shouldn’t even be available!
Invert Compatibility
Can I keep this fish in my reef/this invert with my fish? Angels in the reef
What is a nano? What makes it different? What fish can I keep in my nano? Are nanos harder to keep?
Full registration details and more information are available on the website!