I've just bought a pretty small Achilles and apparently he is not interested in nothing rather than frozen Artemia salina
do you have any experience/suggestion on what else should I try?
nori, will eat eat for sure, tie it to something,,, he will eat it
Garlic always worked for me. Put the seaweed in a cup with a bit of water and a lot of garlic juice, it should hopefully yield better results. Try the same with mysis/brine.
It can take a bit of time to wean these fish onto a varied diet. I have had a medium AT in QT for about a month (bought at Max Reefs), and have had a tough time getting it to accept anything other than spirulina brine. No interest in nori, and Mysis is hit or miss - though more hit as time passes. I generally don't have a lot of luck getting Tangs to eat nori in QT, but as soon as they get into the display and see all the other fish going crazy over the clip, they get the idea very quickly.