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Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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I ordered a large supply of marine rotifers from a wholesale supplier. According to the stats it should have between 1-1.5 million rotifers and I also bought the concentrated microalgae to get the culture going.

Anyone here breeding clownfish or other marine fish? I just started breeding dwarf seahorses for my daughters. I am trying to decide whether I want to get a culture running. If any local reefers are interested I would be willing to split the costs and keep a culture running so that we have plenty of fresh, live food for fish fry. Certainly better and cheaper than copepods. The would also be gut loaded...


Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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The seahorse tank is small (5 gallons) but I will be setting up a 20 long. Both will be very well planted, so hopefully I can keep a culture going in the tanks themselves. I also plan on getting a small hangon refugium. But for breeding I need to supplement feeding to keep them fat and happy.

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Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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Yeah, I ordered phytoplankton as well. So far four of the sea horses have given birth. Copepods purchased retail are EXPENSIVE and it seems as if only a few hundred come in each bottle. So the rotifers are going to come in handy!

I will probably get a large pickle jar or 5 gallon bucket to keep a culture running.

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Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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Not nutritious enough and a pain to deal with. Rotifers can be gut loaded and the tank can be restocked with them periodically. They will thrive in a well planted tank... A rotifer and copepod culture are easy to maintain. I am even considering the possibility of producing them in large quantities for resale after having to jump through serious hoops to buy them. ;-)

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Alfredo De La Fe

Senior Member
Upper West Side
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I use:

RGComplete by Reef Nutrition. Not sure which local shop carries it, I ordered mine when I ordered the rotifer culture from Reed Mariculture. (They sell cultures for about $25 plus the shipping and produce all of the products and sell them under the brand name Reef Nutrition including the "Tiger Pods".)

Not sure how Kent phytoplex/phytomax compares.

I feed the culture twice a day. A few drops each time is all that it takes.


San Jose, CA
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I use:

RGComplete by Reef Nutrition. Not sure which local shop carries it, I ordered mine when I ordered the rotifer culture from Reed Mariculture. (They sell cultures for about $25 plus the shipping and produce all of the products and sell them under the brand name Reef Nutrition including the "Tiger Pods".)

Not sure how Kent phytoplex/phytomax compares.

I feed the culture twice a day. A few drops each time is all that it takes.

Thanks! I checked RG complete but the shipping will cost me $44..

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Alfredo De La Fe

Senior Member
Upper West Side
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I am sure that there is a shop near you that carries it. Any shop that sells "Tiger Pods" by Reef Nutrition should have it or should be able to get it for you.

You are replying through Reefs.com (I originally posted via ManhattanReefs.com, I think) so you are not local to me, otherwise I would have offered to let you piggyback on my next order.


San Jose, CA
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I am sure that there is a shop near you that carries it. Any shop that sells "Tiger Pods" by Reef Nutrition should have it or should be able to get it for you.

You are replying through Reefs.com (I originally posted via ManhattanReefs.com, I think) so you are not local to me, otherwise I would have offered to let you piggyback on my next order.

Thanks for the help..I appreciate it. I'll try to look for a LFS that carries it.

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Alfredo De La Fe

Senior Member
Upper West Side
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Brine shrimp naupali have to be gut loaded. So do rotifers.

I am looking into getting a culture running of copepods, but I would also have to start a culture of phyto and not sure that a) I want to add so much work to my day and b) my wife won't kill me.

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Paul B

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New Born brine shrimp can't be gut loaded because they do not yet have a gut. They are mostly yolk sack which makes them much better of a food source than adult rotifers. New Born brine can not eat.
I spawn pipefish, mandarins, ruby red dragonettes and clown gobies on them.

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