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i assume you mean a lipstick naso, or naso lituralis? AS most of the larger naso get tail streamers.
Anyway yes to my knowledge all nasos are reef safe. One word of note on the nasos....they all get real big (like 15-24"), So a larger tank is required.
They are extremely active fish, and love all types of food, beside veggies. I have a Naso vlamingi and its around a ft long, almost half way there, and my 180gal tank appears quite small for his tang.
my opinion


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I have a naso in my tank and he does very well. As stated, be careful on the size of the fish relative to the tank size.

Also, did you get the sand from DaleJ?



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sent him an email but it came back reutrned. I might have snet it to the wrong address. Thanks again. Email me and I will give you/him my cell #.


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what would be the acceptable tank size for a tang? I have the lipstick (naso) tang and already I can see that I am going to have to graduate to a larger tank soon due to rate the tang is growing.


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For a Naso tank do not even consider it unless you have a tank of at the very very minimum 150 gals.
Tangs by their nature need room to swim or they will perish in your tank.


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It is not only the size of the naso tang that reefers should worry about.
The Naso requires lots of room to swim. I am talking at least six feet. It is very simply not the right thing to do in keeping them in smaller tanks.
As tangs go, the Naso for some reason is more sensitive to its environment than some of the other tangs and will decline quickly in smaller tanks. All of a sudden they stop eating and than wither away.
If you have a small tank you should trade it in for a smaller fish or start now in upgrading to something he can live in.
Thanks for your concern.


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It is the male Naso that gets the steamers and yes they do get very large.I had one for over 7 years in my 300 gal. reef tank with great success.He will need a lot of swim room in the tank.That tank was 8 feet long and he used every bit of it!!!!!But he really had a great personality and was one of my fav. fish in that tank.
Good Luck


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Another thing to consider is how much they eat. I had a juvenile Naso hexacanthus a while back and I had to get rid of it once I watched it drop a load. Man that fish could crap!! never could get enough to eat so be careful of th waste load.


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