Thanks . These guys (especially the ventralis) are so photogenic...
lighting is 14k phoenix with 40w PC actinic. White balance on camera set to 7700k. Minor sharpening, contrast adjustment in photoshop...
Apparently a group of these came in from Indo. It's very strange. I'm guessing a total of less then 20 were shipped around the world. Liveaquaria (where NKT got his) got some but not sure if they have any more, and I heard PetSwarehouse in NY got a few too, but I'm not sure. I've also seen six available in Holland too. That's the extent of the deliveries I've seen online.
well, it seems a few more are coming in, I got two more today.
From what I understand, one diver has found a spot (apparently a cave 60 ft down) and is distributing them to local dealers in Bali.
What I don't understand is the pricing. These are one of the ultimate collector fish so you would think they would be priced accordingly!
For once though, I think it's cool that an awsome new fish is coming at an affordable price. Feels like a hobby again!
I'm not sure of the LA wholesaler is getting more of them or is just selling what they have from the original shipment. It would be nice for hobbyist to see these with more regularity, but I'm not sure this recent availability will be sustainable.
What strikes me as peculiar is all the specimens available are small juveniles (under 3"). It makes me wonder if fry or eggs (not sure how these fish reproduce) was swept into this newly discovered area or if this is a permanent nursery for borbonius. Whatever the case is, this is very exciting for fish aficionados
I just snagged both the borbonius and ventralis this weekend from Oscars Exotic Fish in LA. I made a call last week and he snagged 2 borbonius from one of his suppliers in Hawaii. I believe he was going to put the other one in his show tank but I'm not positive. I paid $150 for mine so I was certainly happy about the price for such a rare find. He ate the day I put him in despite being stressed from 2 long travel days! The ventralis just came in as well so I snagged one of these.....both are awesome looking fish.
They are very delicate. NKT's did not make it, and the ones I've tried years ago did not make it either. It's not a species I'm going to attempt again. It's a shame since they are so gorgeous.