Unless you are worried about really small stuff like 'pods, bristle worms, small fan/tube worms and really small ornamental shrimp, these fish (and most Halichoeres IMO) are absolutely reef safe. I have one (or a very closely related species) in all 4 of my tanks, and have kept several in the past, and everyone has been a model citizen with no interest whatsoever in corals, clams, shrimp, etc. They acclimate well, eat most prepared foods, are disease resistant and generally ignore and are ignored by fish of different species. They also have the happy habit of eating pest pyramid snails and red planaria flatworms.
They do bury in the sand at night, so a sandbed is a must. Because their natural inclination is to bolt into the sandbed when spooked, they are far less likely to jump than other wrasses.
Of course, there can be rogue individuals of all species, but this complex of wrasse gets a big thumbs up from this reef aquarist.