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So ive had this awesome engineer goby for quite sometime and today when i was putting in some new hermits and snails that I had brought. I noticed he wasnt doing so well. This morning he was perfectly fine but right after I put the snails in is when I noticed. Im thinking he tryed to eat one of the snails because it look as if he was choking. He was gasping for air and trying to swim to the top I put him in one of those holding tanks and he doesnt look so well now. I hope he makes it...

Has anyone ever owned one of these guys? I know he eats anything and everything that I put in the tank but do you think he would try and swallow a complete snail?

New Rochelle
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Mine picks up hermit crabs and carrys them around the tank. As he gets bigger, I am sure he will swallow one. If yours did swallow a small snail, I don't know if he will be able to digest the shell. Need someone with knowledge of the digestive system of fish to answer this one.
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Staten Island
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The 2 in my tank (about 9-10"long) move snails and crabs around all the time. They treat them like the rocks and sand they move. One of mine picked up a nas. snail & I believe attempted to swallow it. It was in his gullet for quite a while (he was def. stressed) & then he hacked it up. I feed mine pellets & they take pieces of shrimp from my hand. Its amazing what they try to cram in their mouths.


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How is the goby?

I have three of them from 10-12". And they have never eaten the snails or the other fish - including a fire fish that shared their caves. They do frequently pick hermit crabs up and toss them out of their caves - very good house keepers:) They also do a great job of keeping my sand mixed up. All I have to do is place a piece of rubble rock anywhere on the sand bed, and they will dig under it.

Also, mine are SUPER shy. Sometimes I have to use a flashlight to make sure one of them is still living. SIReefer It's very cool that you can feed yours by hand.


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Staten Island
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LeslieS, When setting up my tank I arranged the rockwork first & then put in the sand. This avoids any rockslides. If I look into the bottom of the tank from under the sump I see a network of tunnels throughout the rockwork. Anyone know how large these things get?????? & yes they def. stirrup the sand.


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2slo4me hows the goby? Is he still with us?

unfortuntely he died the same day... i guess he did try to swallow the snail and couldnt digest the shell. so passed away... if anyone knows where i can purchase one locally please lmk... he was a cool fish with lots of personality.

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