In fact, it IS the one I got from the swap. Other than cauliflower, it's doing great - has no problems with its new mates and has totally gone to work on the algae in the system. I'm hoping it recovers nicely - such a lovely fish, and it reminds me of my trip to Hawaii! This was EASILY the most gregarious and abundant fish I saw there.
I have a very large one in my tank. They're pretty docile and usually don't bother any other fish. As they get larger the white on top turns a golden color. Dotr had the ones from Hawaii, which are the better ones to get.
I gotta say, this virus is not slowing this fish down one tiny bit! It is just as busy as these fish are in Hawaii - constantly on the go, always picking at anything that might possibly have some algae growing on it... I'm gonna have to invest in nori!