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Starting to set up my 90gal oceanic tech tank and began thinking about some of the fish that i'll like to keep in the tank. Just wondering if it is too many fish and if i'll have any problems with them together. I'm running a SWC 160 Cone Skimmer and 1xMP40/1xMP20 for flow and an Eheim 1262 for return with a lot of open space in my aquascape so there will be no dead spots.

Anthias– 3 Carberrui Anthias
Mystery wrasse – 1
Leopard Wrasse -1
Red Mandarin – 1
Tailspot Blenny – 1
Yasha Goby - 1
Bloche Anthias – 1
Green Chromis – 5
Blue Eyed Cardinals – 3
Yellow Tang – 1
Blue Hippo Tang - 1
Grade A Snowflake Clownfish– 1

Does it sound good?
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Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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ok thats better, 20 fish is still alot for that tank if you put that many in there you will have to water change weekly and hope you have a amazing skimmer to handle the bio load


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Northern Jersey
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Anthias– 3 Carberrui Anthias ... anthias can be difficult to keep. add them last after tank is running for a year or so...
Mystery wrasse – 1 ... nice fish, can be a jumper so be prepared.
Leopard Wrasse -1 ... id say no. hard fish to keep, usually hides in sand bed all day
Red Mandarin – 1 ... red mandarin? i only know of bullseye and psychodelic mandarin
Tailspot Blenny – 1 ... simple
Yasha Goby - 1 ... nice fish, hides 80% of day
Bloche Anthias – 1 ... no
Green Chromis – 5 ... sure
Blue Eyed Cardinals – 3 ... if u like them then ok
Yellow Tang – 1 ... common and simple
Blue Hippo Tang - 1 ... ick factory, good luck
Grade A Snowflake – 1 ... your better off with a pair of true purcs...

good luck though, thats only my opinion


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A couple months ago when i had my old tank setup before it crashed after the big storm hit(Lost power for a week) i used to have a blue hippo tang. It actually survived through two series of ich breakouts and people say they are prone to ich. lol I guess i got lucky


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Suffolk County
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For the most part, I agree with ryangrieder. I think one snowflake would be fine but if you wanted two it wouldn't hurt. Overall though, that's a very high bioload.


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No Clownfishes Lol ? I never owned an Eel so i don't know about them. Your fishes should be fine as long as you know when to add them.Btw how much live rock do you plan on putting in there?


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No Clownfishes Lol ? I never owned an Eel so i don't know about them. Your fishes should be fine as long as you know when to add them.Btw how much live rock do you plan on putting in there?
Here is what my 90 looked like,count them 1,2,3,4...



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That is a LOT of fish in a 90. Considering that you mention you will have limited rock work (that acts as a bio-filter for the tank), IMO you should trim that down a bit.

The 5 Green Chromis will likely eventually become just one - rather common for them to kill each other off.

This might help some :)

its about the look though, i can always restock chromis. I feel every tank should have atleast a small school of chromis. I alwaus think schooling fish are pretty cool


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Suffolk County
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Why don't you take a look at some of the cardinals. They will shoal much better than Chromis will. Here's a link to the fish I'm talking about:


Here's another picture of the same fish:


If I remember correctly, these are the same fish as the shoal in Manhattan Aquarium's Elos setup.

They're much better looking in person than in the pictures, as they have a nice natural sheen to them.


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Why don't you take a look at some of the cardinals. They will shoal much better than Chromis will. Here's a link to the fish I'm talking about:


Here's another picture of the same fish:


If I remember correctly, these are the same fish as the shoal in Manhattan Aquarium's Elos setup.

They're much better looking in person than in the pictures, as they have a nice natural sheen to them.

yah i know.. They are very nice looking fish. They are included in my fish list. (Blue Eyed Cardinals is the same as LongSpine Cardinal Fish) I was planning to get about 3. Do you think i should substitute the chromis (Or maybe just keep 1) and instead just have 4-5 Blue Eyed Cardinals?

Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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heres what i have and am continuing to get for my 90, your cousins old tank:
1 perc-6 years old and actually beat up a big eyed squirrel and a panther grouper(both around 4-5 inches, randalls goby- the yasha is one of my favorites too, yellow tang-common but still nice, mandarin, female bellus angel, assorted anthias- i have m/f hi fin and purple queen want a blotchy, last 2 i have not gotten yet the peppermint hog and a male asuie lineatus wrasse. after that i am done besides corals. dont let anyone tell you what to get, suggestions are fine and i suggest that you cut your original list down by a significant number.


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Suffolk County
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yah i know.. They are very nice looking fish. They are included in my fish list. (Blue Eyed Cardinals is the same as LongSpine Cardinal Fish) I was planning to get about 3. Do you think i should substitute the chromis (Or maybe just keep 1) and instead just have 4-5 Blue Eyed Cardinals?

If I were you, yes I'd cut out the chromis and buy a number of the cardinals. They're incredible looking, and aren't as likely to beat each other up.


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Western NC
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Why don't you take a look at some of the cardinals. They will shoal much better than Chromis will. Here's a link to the fish I'm talking about:


Here's another picture of the same fish:


If I remember correctly, these are the same fish as the shoal in Manhattan Aquarium's Elos setup.

They're much better looking in person than in the pictures, as they have a nice natural sheen to them.

I agree. The other issues with shoals of Chromis is that they will gang up on other fish as a team. Cardinals do not do this. I should shoot some video for you of a shoal of chromis attacking a BIG Citrine GOby to steal his food in a coordinated attack. It is pretty cool to watch, but I am getting close to borrowing a grouper from a friend for a few days if you know what I mean.

Other thing is that Leopard Wrass's are very hard to keep living a long time in an aquarium. Not that they can't be, there is a fish store near me Mountains To the Sea Aquariums that actually have one in each of two 125+ display tanks, I think one is a 225 and they are thriving, but they are IMHO the exception rather than the rule. Some people can do it, some cant. I can't. :(


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aright, so i think im gona cut all the chromis out and use the cardinals instead.

For the leopard wrasse's, I know they are hard to keep, but it doesn't hurt to try. So without the chromis, thats about 15 fish, which is better saying most of them aren't that big.

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