Please disregard it and contact an administrator. It appears scammers are now beginning to use's community to email or private message scams (e.g. inheritance and lottery scams). An example of a scam message is quoted below. Do not contact these individuals.
We have disabled amanda01's account because of this reason. If you receive any similar emails or PMs from other users, please contact me.
Remember: always use your better judgment. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
We have disabled amanda01's account because of this reason. If you receive any similar emails or PMs from other users, please contact me.
Remember: always use your better judgment. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Good day my dear,
In confidence,I have to introduce myself for I am Amanda Danni,21 ye! ars old,I am
the only child of late Chief and Mrs.George Danni.I prayed before contacting
you,please for God sake do not see my mail as embrassment as we do not know each
I wish to request for your assistance in my efforts to procure the transfer of
my inherited money for investment ventures under your care and directive,while I
continue my education of there in your country.I inherited Two Million,Six
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,600,000.00) here in my name with one of the prime
bank in my country and I will require your assistance in receiving the transfer
of the money in your local account for investment purposes. As it is my desire
to come over to your country to further my education while you take care of the
investment of the money.
Please I am an orphane and I need your assistance to transfer my inherited money
to your country and also your assistance to secure a nice school for me in your
country,where I will contiun! e my ed ucation.
I will be very appreciative if you can return to me with urgent response to
enable me hear from you.I am awaiting for your immediate response.Please include
your telephone number for an easy communication.
Thanks and may God bless you.
Yours sincerely
Amanda Danni