I've been doing research for a few months now on what cichlids to feature in a West/Central African 120g community I'm setting up in September. I am naturally partial to the Pelvicachromis species, especially the "new" P. rubrolabiatus, but I am planning to house these fish alongside, among other things, one of the smaller bichirs (12" maximum size). While two people I have talked with that have kept this sort of set-up assured me that even these smaller species would be alright given the tank size and the size of the Polypterus, others have had a right fit over the idea.
So currently I am toying with exchanging at least one of my potential Pelvicachromis pairs with one of the larger African river/misc. cichlids in hopes that any issues with the bichir will be effectively eliminated. However, the only one I really know about that might be suitable is S. causarius. Does anyone who has kept these fish have some additional recs for me? Thank you for any help.
So currently I am toying with exchanging at least one of my potential Pelvicachromis pairs with one of the larger African river/misc. cichlids in hopes that any issues with the bichir will be effectively eliminated. However, the only one I really know about that might be suitable is S. causarius. Does anyone who has kept these fish have some additional recs for me? Thank you for any help.