Thanx for the suggestions, heres an update.
Ill probly go with any of the combinations that can be made from the list below. Plz state your opinions on this list.
7 rummy-nose tetras OR 5 dwarf rainbows (species ?)
best are the poppendata, or the furcata, gertrudes..-praecox need more swimming space
5-6 corys (species ?) OR 4-5 yo-yo loaches
try one trio, be aware that laoches are abit prone to occasionally 'freaking out' :wink:
A pair of rams OR a pair of kribs (not likely, altho it did work out last time)
rams yes, agassizi, or caucatoides yes, kribs no
Something else, like a trio, or am i maxed?
start there for awhile, after a few months you may be able to add another small group of some small fish-cherry barbs, harlequin rasboras, emperor tets are nice